Missouri Fire Chaplain Corps Annual Training and Meeting
Join us in Arnold, Missouri for the 2022 Annual Meeting and Training September 12-13, 2022. Thank you to the Rock Community Fire Protection District for Hosting our Annual Meeting and Training .
Two training tracks will be offered.
Essentials of Fire Chaplaincy
The Basic Fire Chaplain training is a two-day course that includes 16 hours of course material designed to introduce the fire chaplain to ministry in the fire service. During basic training the chaplain will take classes in Ministry to Firefighters, Ministry to Fire Victims, Critical Incident Stress, Fire Department Funerals, Fire Chaplain Oerations, and many others. Instructor: Chaplain Floyd Ferguson of the St. Joseph, MO. Fire Dept.Chaplain Toolbox
A two-day session featuring indispensable topics. Each session will provide information that will serve your future ministry efforts including meeting needs of Muslims, Bhuddists, Hindus & Jews, Annie's Hope (Children's Grief), Psychological Decompression, and Triage, A Chaplain's Perspective.
A few things to keep in mind:
You do not need to be a fire chaplain nor a MFCC member to attend.
The training being offered is not field specific.
There is ample time for discussion with other chaplains.
The MFCC Annual Meeting and Training is beneficial to anyone considering serving their communities as a chaplain or in a related capacity. Mental health professionals will benefit greatly from the training offered.
The conference provides an excellent environment to learn from others—please feel free to invite a friend or colleague.
There are a limited number of scholarships available. Contact Ed Hatcher for more information.
To download a flyer and registration form, click here. This flyer includes housing information.